TIDES USA: Oligonucleotide & Peptide Therapeutics
美國加州聖地牙哥, Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego
TIDES USA: Oligonucleotide & Peptide Therapeutics 2025
地点:美國加州聖地牙哥, Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego

TIDES USA:连结研究与现实世界


TIDES USA 是北美透过合作发现、开发和商业化,加速寡核苷酸及寡核苷酸创新的首要论坛。产业领导者将在此探讨寡核苷酸、寡核苷酸、mRNA 和基因组编辑的最先进的策略,以促成新药从研发阶段迈向市场。

寡核苷酸 . 胜肽 . mRNA . 基因组编辑 . 递送

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Industry Speakers







为什么要参加 TIDES USA 2025:通往科学创新与合作的大门






可透过海报发表计划,展示您最新的科学突破,并提高研究曝光度。您的研究成果将于实体展区及 ConnectMe 数位平台上展示,最大化提升您与潜在合作伙伴的合作机会。




圣地牙哥拥有超过 1,200 家生物技术公司,全年气候宜人,是一个充满活力的生命科学中心,为科学合作和交流提供了充满活力的环境。


可透过具备议程、参与者清单、匹配和无缝调度工具的ConnectMe 应用程式,最大限度地提升您的会议体验。藉由即时更新,可以透过整合的数位平台有效地管理您与他人的交际互动机会。

TIDES 将分享寡核苷酸、胜肽、mRNA、基因组编辑和药物传递方面的专业知识

透过 TIDES USA,您可以创建自己的议程以获得独特的、客制化的见解。六个同时举的分会上有超过 200 场演讲供您选择。

寡核苷酸 CMC(化学、制造和品质控制)

• 最佳化 CMC 策略,加速开发

• 掌握最新分析技术与品质管控(QC)

• 简化监管流程,加速市场化

• 扩大可靠的制造能力


• 设计具突破性的药物特性

• 快速筛选候选药物

• 最佳化临床试验设计

• 与业界领袖对标学习


• 最大提升产量与制程效率

• 应对复杂的监管要求

• 运用最新的 QC 技术

• 深入了解新兴分子挑战


• 先进的胜肽设计工程

• 创新的药物传输系统

• 加速药物发现管道

• 从成功的临床案例中学习

mRNA 药物/疫苗和基因组编辑

• mRNA 设计突破的先驱

• 掌握尖端传输技术

• 变革性的基因编辑技术

• 成功扩大生产

药物传输技术创新(Drug Delivery)

• 开发标靶传输解决方案

• 创新口服胜肽传输技术

• 先进的设备型策略

• 最佳化高分子药物传输


关于赞助、参展及广告机会,请洽询环球资讯有限公司(Global Information Inc.)。

Mike Pennington, Ph.D.

Chief Scientific Officer

AmbioPharm, Inc.

With the current situation facing the world with the Covid-19 pandemic, we fully support the digital format that is being offered for the TIDES meeting(s). The digital format will still allow AmbioPharm to reach out to our existing as well as new potential clients. This is the right decision for all of us.

Jesper Lau, Ph.D.

VP, Protein and Peptide Chemistry

Novo Nordisk, Denmark

The yearly TIDES conferences are among the most important events within peptide and oligonucleotide discovery and development and it has always been among my high priority to be able to join them. I am thus delighted to learn that Informa Connect will deliver TIDES USA Boston 2020 in a virtual format, and I am convinced that a digital meeting will be extremely appreciated in order to continue the important global communication among the scientific communities during these tough times.

Bruce Morimoto, Ph.D.

Vice President, Drug Development-Operations

Alkahest, USA

TIDES USA has been my go-to meeting to learn about the latest trends and scientific developments in the peptide and oligonucleotide field. The global pandemic has challenged us to find alternative venues to obtain the critical content necessary for us to continue to push the boundaries of innovation. TIDES provides this platform by integrating research and discovery with development and manufacturing. The digital meeting format will surely provide the high-quality content I have come to expect from the TIDES conference series.

Mike Pennington, Ph.D.

Chief Scientific Officer

AmbioPharm, Inc.

With the current situation facing the world with the Covid-19 pandemic, we fully support the digital format that is being offered for the TIDES meeting(s). The digital format will still allow AmbioPharm to reach out to our existing as well as new potential clients. This is the right decision for all of us.

Jesper Lau, Ph.D.

VP, Protein and Peptide Chemistry

Novo Nordisk, Denmark

The yearly TIDES conferences are among the most important events within peptide and oligonucleotide discovery and development and it has always been among my high priority to be able to join them. I am thus delighted to learn that Informa Connect will deliver TIDES USA Boston 2020 in a virtual format, and I am convinced that a digital meeting will be extremely appreciated in order to continue the important global communication among the scientific communities during these tough times.

Bruce Morimoto, Ph.D.

Vice President, Drug Development-Operations

Alkahest, USA

TIDES USA has been my go-to meeting to learn about the latest trends and scientific developments in the peptide and oligonucleotide field. The global pandemic has challenged us to find alternative venues to obtain the critical content necessary for us to continue to push the boundaries of innovation. TIDES provides this platform by integrating research and discovery with development and manufacturing. The digital meeting format will surely provide the high-quality content I have come to expect from the TIDES conference series.

Mike Pennington, Ph.D.

Chief Scientific Officer

AmbioPharm, Inc.

With the current situation facing the world with the Covid-19 pandemic, we fully support the digital format that is being offered for the TIDES meeting(s). The digital format will still allow AmbioPharm to reach out to our existing as well as new potential clients. This is the right decision for all of us.