Cambridge Healthtech Institute的培训研讨会涵盖了广泛的学术理论及其背景,以及现实生活中的案例研究和所面临的挑战及适用的解决方案资讯。每个培训研讨会都结合了正式讲座与互动讨论和活动,以让学习成果最大化。以熟练的讲师来主持培训研讨会,以适用于目前研究的内容为焦点,提供针对在该领域的初学者重要的指南。
2024年10月1日(二) 8:00 am - 6:00 pm | 2024年10月2日(三) 8:00 - 10:00 am
TS8A: GPCR Pharmacodynamics: Kinetics, Allosterism, and Biased Agonism in Pharma Discovery
Topics to be Covered:
- The Role of Pharmacology in Drug Discovery / Determining Mechanism of Drug Action / Tools of Pharmacology: Dose-Response Curves, Assays / Pharmacologic Principles: Affinity / Efficacy
- What is Efficacy? / The Black/Leff Operational Model / Biased Signaling / Selecting GPCRs as Drug Targets / Kinetics as a Major Player in GPCR Drug Selection
- Allosteric Protein Function / The 2 Unique Functions of Allosteric Modulators / 'Induced-Bias' and Allosteric Probe Dependence / Quantifying Allosteric Function / NAMs, PAMs, and PAM-Antagonists / Case Studies: 'Know Your Molecule'
Terrence P. Kenakin, PhD, Professor, Pharmacology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
2024年10月2日(三) 1:45 - 5:15 pm | 2024年10月3日(四) 8:00 am - 4:35 pm
TS7B: Drug Exposure at the Target: The Role of ADME and Pharmacokinetics
- Drug discovery-typical order of operations
- ADME and key pharmacokinetic parameters
- Modeling Cp-time curves from an IV dose
- Modeling Cp-time curves from an oral dose
Session 2:
- Oral drug space and membrane permeability
- Metabolic stability and intrinsic clearance
- Plasma, PPB, and the free drug hypothesis
- Compartment modeling and PBPK
Session 3:
- Pre-formulation and formulation
- Preclinical species and allometric scaling
- Non-small molecule drug modalities
- PK/PD modeling
Erland Stevens, PhD, James G. Martin Professor, Department of Chemistry, Davidson College
* 活动内容有可能不事先告知作更动及调整。