Vertical & Indoor Farming Congress: USA 2024
地点:美國北卡羅來納州, The StateView Hotel Autograph Collection
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随着全球人口的成长,世界资源研究所面临了一个迫在眉睫的挑战,那就是未来几十年粮食需求预计将激增 50%,然而与此同时,传统农业的可用空间正在迅速缩小。在这样的背景下,垂直农业这个能够为世界各地提供新鲜当地农产品的希望之光就受到全球的高度关注。然而,设计复杂性、融资困难和能源成本高等问题却已经限制了这些创新耕作方法的可扩充性。

但目前的形势正在改变。尤其是杜拜一座 30,000 平方米的设施的运行代表了大规模垂直农业的新兴潜力。根据最近的分析,部署 94 个此类设施可以完全抵消英国的进口沙拉需求。尽管美国的受控环境农业 (CEA) 行业面临财政危机,但优化用水和减少对土地依赖的动力仍然持续推动着进步。

这次的会议也将与 11th Plant Genomics & Gene Editing Congress USA 2024 ,以及 8th Partnership in Biocontrol, Biostimulant & Microbiome Congress: USA 2024 同时举行。如果您预定参加本次会议,我们也同样推廌您参加这些盛会。

【2024年新动态】本次活动我们安排有专为初创公司和先锋企业所设的“快闪”口头简报时间,联系我们,我们将为您安排专属方案,让您的会议体验与众不同。 欲了解更多资讯,请洽询Global Information Co., Ltd.。

David Harris

David Harris

Director of Crop Research and Development, Freight Farms

Azlan Zahid

Azlan Zahid

Assistant Professor - Automation & AI for CEA, Department of Biological & Agricultural Engineering

Casey Schwichtenberg

Casey Schwichtenberg

Senior Mechanical Engineer, AeroFarms

Uttara Samarakoon

Uttara Samarakoon

Associate Professor, Ohio State Agricultural Technical Institute, The Ohio State University

Tobias Peggs

Tobias Peggs

Cofounder and Chief Executive Officer, Square Roots Indoor Farms


Gundula Proksch

Associate Professor, University of Washington

Yong Zhu

Yong Zhu

Andrew A. Adams Distinguished Professor, North Carolina State University


Cristian Toma

Founder and Chief Scientific Officer, Kalera


Emily Zhou

Virginia Tech

Henry Sztul

Henry Sztul

Chief Science Officer, Bowery Farming


The StateView Hotel, Autograph Collection

2451 Alumni Dr, Raleigh, NC 27606, The hotel is located near downtown Raleigh, NC, close to North Carolina State University.

With beautifully-lit event spaces, this luxury hotel in Raleigh, NC, with free parking is the perfect setting for our next engaging meeting.

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