Cancellation by Delegate, Sponsor or Exhibitor
Please be advised that subsequent to completion of booking
(delegate booking, sponsorship booking or exhibitor booking), payments are 100% non-refundable.
Select Biosciences are however able to transfer a registration to another person within your
organization at no charge. Additionally, sponsorships or exhibit bookings can be moved to another
Select Biosciences conference at no extra charge and with no penalty.
Please contact Global Information, Inc. to make any changes or updates.
Cancellation by Select Biosciences
On occasion, due to lack of an economic number of attendees or other reasons, it may be necessary
for Select Biosciences to cancel the event to which you are registered. We will endeavor to inform
you of such a decision no later than 4 weeks in advance of the scheduled start date of the event
in question. In this case our liability is limited to a full refund of any monies already received
in respect of our registration. We will specifically not be liable for any travel or accommodation
you may have booked in anticipation of attending the event nor any consequential expenses.
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