2024年 主题演讲


7:00 am Registration

8:00 am Recommended Pre-Conference Workshops and Symposia*

On Monday, April 15, 2024, Cambridge Healthtech Institute is pleased to offer nine pre-conference Workshops scheduled across three time slots (8:00-10:00 am, 10:30 am-12:30 pm, and 2:00-4:00 pm) and six Symposia from 8:00 am-4:20 pm. All are designed to be instructional, and interactive and provide in-depth information on a specific topic. They allow for one-on-one interaction and provide a great way to explain more technical aspects that would otherwise not be covered during the main conference tracks that take place Tuesday-Wednesday.

*Separate registration required. See details on the Symposia here and details on the Workshops here.


4:30 pm Organizer's Remarks

Cindy Crowninshield, Executive Event Director, Cambridge Healthtech Institute

4:35 pm Plenary Keynote Introduction

Speaker to be Announced

4:45 pm PLENARY KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Unleashing the Power of Advanced Computing in Biomedical Informatics: A Vision for Transformative Collaboration

Daniel Stanzione, PhDDaniel Stanzione, PhD, Executive Director, Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC)

In the dynamic intersection of life science and computing, our mission at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) is to propel biomedical informatics into a new era of discovery and innovation. As computational leaders, we are dedicated to harnessing the potential of high-performance computing (HPC), machine learning (ML), and data analytics to revolutionize precision medicine. In this visionary pursuit, we prioritize the development of user-friendly interfaces and intuitive platforms. This approach ensures accessibility for executives and leaders in the life sciences industry, promoting seamless interaction with computational tools and fostering an environment where scientific and technological advancements coalesce. This presentation shares our vision for shaping the future of biomedical informatics where innovation, collaboration, and cutting-edge technologies converge to redefine the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of precision medicine.

6:00 pm Welcome Reception in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)

7:15 pm Close of Day


7:00 am Registration and Morning Coffee


8:00 am Organizer's Remarks

Allison Proffitt, Editorial Director, Bio-IT World

8:05 am Keynote Introduction

Speaker to be Announced

8:15 am PLENARY KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Convergence in Data: Building Bridges through Global Wide Standards

Heidi L. Rehm, PhDHeidi L. Rehm, PhD, FACMG, Chief Genomics Officer, Department of Medicine and Center for Genomic Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH); Medical and Clinical Lab Director, Broad Clinical Labs; Professor of Pathology, Harvard Medical School; Chair Elect, Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH)

In this keynote presentation, we will delve into the profound influence of worldwide data-sharing policies on the intersection of genomics, health, and informatics. We'll take a look at the advantages of comprehensive data sharing, with an emphasis on strategies to alleviate data friction, bolster standards adoption, and dissect successful implementation paradigms. Other topics this presentation will cover include thoughts about the future landscape of artificial intelligence, the intricate concept of "data citizenship”, as well as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on research collaboration, ushering in novel realms of shared data practices and collective initiatives to propel the overall well-being of humanity.

9:30 am Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)


7:30 am Registration and Morning Coffee


8:00 am Organizer's Remarks

Cindy Crowninshield, Executive Event Director, Cambridge Healthtech Institute

8:05 am Innovative Practices Awards

Allison Proffitt, Editorial Director, Bio-IT World

The Innovative Practices Awards recognizes and celebrates technology innovation in the life sciences. Bio-IT World is currently accepting entries for the 2024 Innovative Practices Awards, a competition designed to recognize partnerships and projects pushing our industry forward. Winners will be announced in mid-March 2024, recognized during the Wednesday, April 17 Plenary Keynote Program, and scheduled to give a podium presentation about their project during the conference. The deadline for entry is February 2, 2024. For more details about the Awards and to submit an application, visit www.bio-itworldexpo.com/innovativepractices.

8:20 am Plenary Keynote Introduction

Deven Atnoor, PhD, Vice President of Scientific Strategy, Clovertex

8:30 am PLENARY KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Lights, Camera, Science: Film and Social Media Influence on Real-world Scientific Progress and Innovation

David HewlettDavid Hewlett, Actor/Writer/Director; Creator, The Tech Bandits

Now, more than ever, life sciences is subject to misinterpretation, reduction, and inaccuracies at the hand of social media and Hollywood. And while it might be tempting to ignore the fake science streaming on YouTube and TikTok, there's a generation of would-be investigators for whom those platforms might be their primary introduction to research and discovery. David Hewlett has had his share of big screen roles representing science-and science fiction-and he believes it's imperative that the scientific and technology communities take back the narrative, filling gaps between what's real and what could be real soon! He's meeting this future generation where they are in schools, on YouTube, and on Twitch, championing real science in all its iterative, messy, exploratory glory, to recruit bright, diverse minds to lead the next generation of real scientists. He's got our report from the front lines. 9:45 am Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)

* 活动内容有可能不事先告知作更动及调整。

Virtual Event 通行證的申請已經結束。
On-Demand only通行證依然持續接受申請。

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