Cambridge Healthtech Institute的培训研讨会提供实际案例研究、遭遇的问题、应用解决方案以及对学术理论和背景的广泛解释。每个培训研讨会都将正式讲座与互动讨论和活动相结合,以最大限度地提高学习体验。 这些培训研讨会由经验丰富的讲师主持,侧重于可应用于当前研究的内容,同时为该领域的新手提供重要指导。
2025年1月14日(二) 8:30 am - 6:30 pm | 2025年1月15日(三) 8:30 - 11:00 am
TS5B: Introduction to Antibody Engineering
Antibody Background
- Structure
- Genes
- Generation of diversity (recombination, somatic hypermutations)
- Closest human gene approach
- Minimal modification approach
- Veneering
Display Technologies Overview
- Phage
- Yeast
- Combining phage and yeast display
- Ribosome
- Others
- Natural libraries (methods, quality control)
- Synthetic libraries (including strategies for generation diversity)
- Error-prone PCR
- Chain shuffling
- CDR-targeted mutations
Next-Generation Sequencing in Antibody Engineering
- Platforms: advantages and disadvantages
- Error rates and why they are important
- Naive library diversity analysis
- Selection analysis
Antibody Characterization and Developability
- Expression
- Specificity
- Aggregation
- Solubility
Andrew R.M. Bradbury, MD, PhD, CSO, Specifica, an IQVIA business
TS6B: Advanced Purification of Engineered Biologics and Research Protein Tools
Learning points:
- Surface chemistry of proteins and their behaviors in aqueous buffers
- Protein-monodispersing elements for “sticky” proteins and clearance of low abundance product degrading and destabilizing impurities
- Protein aggregates and aggregate clearance strategies
- Old semi-automated robots for 24/96-format HT-panel protein purification
- A novel hybrid HT-magnetic bead/resin-based purification robot for 6(x50ml), 24(x4ml), and 96(x1ml) formats
- Side products clearance from biologics using purification promoting mutations
- Protein purification tags and traceless engineering/purification tags for generating mutation-free bispecific molecules
- High-speed HT-low protein consumptive analytics for protein panels
Who should attend?
Although this course is directed towards protein purification experts in the fields of biologics and proteomics, biologics engineers and experienced scientists in general protein purification will find it very useful.
John K. Kawooya, PhD, Private Consultant of Robotics-Plate-Based-Ultra-HT Biologics Purification
TS7B: Bridging the Gap from R&D to Bioprocessing
Topics to be covered:
- Drug pipeline overview and key milestones towards IND filings
- Key elements of therapeutic candidate selection
- Developability assessments
- Process and analytical and development considerations for regulatory submissions
- Regulatory considerations, Quality-by-Design (QbD)
- Cross-functional strategies: drug discovery & development data integration, mathematical models, & utility
Who should attend:
Scientists and engineers in discovery, nonclinical development, and CMC, with a desire to facilitate and accelerate successful development of clinical therapeutic candidates across multiple modalities (biologics, small molecules, cell and gene therapies).
Carissa L. Young, PhD, Senior Director, Development Asset Lead, Biogen
Marieke Koedood Zhao, PhD, Independent Consultant, Bioprocess Development
2025年1月15日(三) 3:15 - 5:50 pm | 2025年1月16日(四) 8:15 am - 4:15 pm
TS5C: Antibody Drug Discovery: From Target to Lead
Topics to be covered include:
Different Sources of Antibodies
- Animals: mouse, rat, rabbit, chicken, llama, etc.
- Libraries: immune, synthetic, native, fully human, etc.
- B cells: memory B cells, plasma B cells, human, and animals
Antibody-Based Drug Modalities
- IgGs, IgA, IgM, Bites, nanobody, antibody fragments, etc.
- Naked antibody
- Bispecific/multispecific
Antibody Engineering
- Affinity maturation
- Humanization
- Fc-engineering: half-life, immune effector function, etc.
Target Selection and Validation
Antibodies Targeting Complex Membrane Proteins
- Ion channels
- Transporters and membrane-bound enzymes
Delivery of Antibodies
Crossing the Brain-Blood Barrier (BBB)
Case Studies
Zhiqiang An, PhD, Professor, Robert A. Welch Distinguished University Chair in Chemistry; Director, Texas Therapeutics Institute; Director, CPRIT Core for Antibody Drug Discovery; Vice President, Drug Discovery, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
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