12th Microbiome & Probiotic R&D & Business Collaboration Forum: USA 2024
地点:美國聖地牙哥, San Diego Marriott La Jolla
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12th Microbiome & Probiotic R&D & Business Collaboration Forum: USA 2024

2024 年美国微生物组论坛,内容涵盖了包括肠道健康和疾病,以及在肠脑轴的研究上所取得的惊人进展。演讲者将报告益生菌、益生元和后生元的研究趋势,以及个人化营养和心脏代谢疾病的发展。这一届内容更扩大到包括女性健康、HMO(肠道微生物制剂)和婴儿健康。 此外,你还将可探讨将研究成果商业化的挑战和机遇,并学习如何通过商业联盟和合作来获得投资。这次的活动您绝对不可错过。

这次的会议将邀请FDA的CBER粘膜病原体和细胞免疫学实验室首席研究员Paul Carlson登坛演讲,发表关于基于微生物组的疗法方面的监管法规注意点。

本次活动针对以初创为首,要进行海报发表的与会者 ,我们将安排有近年辈受欢迎的“快闪”口头简报。

这次会议将与 6th Skin Microbiome & Cosmeceuticals Congress: USA 2024 同时举办。

Open Letter: Craig R. Cohen, MD, MPH
Professor, Department of Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Reproductive Sciences, University of California, San Francisco.

I am pleased to support the upcoming Microbiome R&D and Business Collaboration Congress in San Diego this October.

Advances in the last few years have provided a much deeper understanding of the complex and dynamic microbial communities that inhabit our bodies and impact our health. High-throughput sequencing and bioinformatics have facilitated more detailed and accurate analyses of microbial communities, revolutionizing our approach to microbiome research. We now know that the microbiome affects everything from mucosal and systemic immune function to mental health and chronic diseases.

Research has led to the creation of targeted live biotherapeutic products to optimize the vaginal microbiome to improve reproductive health outcomes. Yet completing the development process to receive FDA approval has proved challenging. However, clinical trials are taking place and are showing promise for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis and the prevention of preterm birth. In addition, clinical trials of live biotherapeutics have demonstrated efficacy to treat IBS, a range of skin conditions and improve infant health.

I’ll be giving the opening keynote on the potential of live biotherapeutic products to improve vaginal health. Bacterial vaginosis is a common issue with high recurrence rates, but a live biotherapeutic, Lactobacillus crispatus (LACTIN-V), is showing promise in reducing BV and inflammation associated with HIV susceptibility.

The advances are exciting, but we must continue studying these treatments to ensure long-term benefits. I look forward to our discussions at the congress on how we can accelerate the advancement of live biotherapeutics to improve reproductive health!

Best regards,
Craig R. Cohen, MD, MPH

80+ Speakers

7 ½ hours networking time

Vibrant Exhibition Hall



会议有 250 多名与会者,为演讲者、赞助商和其他出席者提供了一个相互交流的环境。




探索皮肤微生物组的操纵(包括使用益生菌和益生菌)是否可以维持皮肤健康以及 LBP 优化阴道微生物组以改善生殖健康的潜力。


Haydeh Payami

Haydeh Payami

Professor of Neurology and Genomics, Strain Endowed Chair in Parkinson’s Disease, University of Alabama at Birmingham

Craig R. Cohen

Craig R. Cohen

Professor, Department of Obstetrics, Guynecology & Reproductive Sciences, University of California San Francisco

Amber Teufel

Amber Teufel

Global Baby, Feminine, and Family Care R&D Group Head/Microbiologist, Proctor & Gamble

David A. Mills

David A. Mills

Distinguished Professor, Peter J. Shields Endowed Chair in Dairy Food Science, Department of Food Science and Technology, University of California-Davis Women

Se Jin Song

Se Jin Song

Director of Research Programs, Center for Microbiome Innovation, UC San Diego

Noah Zimmerman

Noah Zimmerman

Chief Technology Officer, Verb Biotics

Feranmi Aboderin

Feranmi Aboderin

Scientist I, Arcaea

Kera Nyemb-Diop

Kera Nyemb-Diop

Lead Nutritionist, Fonterra

Denise Kelly

Denise Kelly

Investment Advisor, Seventure Partners

Cheri Ackerman

Cheri Ackerman

Co-Founder & CEO, Concerto Biosciences

Lada Rasochova

Lada Rasochova

CEO, Dermala

Natalise Kalea Robinson

Natalise Kalea Robinson

CEO of Parallel Health

James Morton

James Morton

Consultant, Simons Foundation

Nicole Scott

Nicole Scott

CEO & Founder, Cybele

Amy Smith

Amy Smith

Global Regulatory Strategy Lead, Health Dietary Supplement, IFF

Cristina Llorente

Cristina Llorente

Assistant Professor, Div. Gastroenterology, Dept. Medicine, UC San Diego

Jason Bush

Jason Bush

Chief Scientific Officer, Solnul

Josh Parris

Josh Parris

Senior Scientist, Life Sciences, Kimberly Clark Corporation

Eric Chun-Ming Huang

Eric Chun-Ming Huang

Chief Scientific Advisor, Yunneng Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

Ping Hu

Ping Hu

R&D Director Principal Scientist, Procter & Gamble Company, Corporate Function R&D, Discovery & Innovation Platform

Angela M Christiano

Angela M Christiano

Professor of Dermatology and Genetics & Development, Columbia University

Zac Lewis

Zac Lewis

Principal, Lewpine Consulting

Pedro J. Torres

Pedro J. Torres

Principal Scientist, Computational Biology and Data Science, Persephone Biosciences

Cheryl Sew Hoy

Cheryl Sew Hoy

CEO & Founder, Tiny Health

Julia Durack

Julia Durack

VP of R&PD, Symbiome; Director, Holobiont Medical Research Foundation

Tiina Orasmäe-Meder

Tiina Orasmäe-Meder

CEO and founder, Meder by Dr Tiina Meder

Bradley Ringeisen

Bradley Ringeisen

Executive Director, Innovative Genomics Institute (IGI)

Brent Ridge

Brent Ridge

Co-Founder, Beekman1802

Jessica O’Connell

Jessica O’Connell

Partner, Covington & Burling LLP

Amanda L. Lewis

Amanda L. Lewis

Professor, Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences, UCSD

Andrea Nardelli

Andrea Nardelli

Post-Doctoral Fellow McMaster University- Farncombe Family Digestive Health Research Institute

Bharat Dixit

Bharat Dixit

Chief Technology Officer, Adiso Therapeutics

Braden Tierney

Braden Tierney

Instructor, Weill Cornell Medical College /Harvard Medical School

Cassandra Isley

Cassandra Isley

Chief Executive Officer, Microbiome Alliance for Disease Prevention

Cecile Vernochet

Cecile Vernochet

Discovery Project Lead, Gates Medical Research Institute

Jun Sun

Jun Sun

Professor/Associate Head, Department of Medicine, University of Illinois Chicago

Krystal Thomas-White

Krystal Thomas-White

Senior Scientist Evvy

Noelle Patno

Noelle Patno

Chief Scientific Officer, Bened Life

Ryan Garrett

Ryan Garrett

Head of Process Development, Vedanta Biosciences

Xin Zhou

Xin Zhou

Postdoctoral Fellow, Snyder Lab, Stanford

Kimberley Sukhum

Kimberley Sukhum

Head of Science, Tiny Health

Alan Murray

Alan Murray

Chairman, Lactalogics

Sathya Janardhanan

Sathya Janardhanan

VP, Manufacturing, Rise Therapeutics

Aubrey Levitt

Aubrey Levitt

CEO, Postbiotics Plus Research LLC

Laura Sycuro

Laura Sycuro

Associate Professor, University of Calgary

Mark Haupt

Mark Haupt

Chief Medical Officer, IFF

Alexandra Castillo-Ruiz

Alexandra Castillo-Ruiz

Assistant Professor, Michigan State University

Ren-Hau Lai

Ren-Hau Lai

Director of Innovation and Product Development, Athletic Greens

Leila Strikland

Leila Strikland

CEO & Co-Founder, BIOMILQ

Laurie Rey

Laurie Rey

Head of CDMO Business Development, Lallemand


Alex Sakatos

Co-Founder & CEO, Ancilia Biosciences

Hana Janebdar

Hana Janebdar

Co-Founder & CEO, Juno Bio

Carlotta Ronda

Carlotta Ronda

Principal Investigator, Innovative Genomics Institute at UC Berkeley

Stephanie Fraley

Stephanie Fraley

Associate Professor Shu Chien-Gene Lay Dept of Bioengineering, UCSD

Malcolm Kendall

Malcolm Kendall

Co-Founder & CEO, Microbiome Insights, Inc., Canada

Paul Carlson

Paul Carlson

Elsa Jungman

Elsa Jungman

Founder & CEO, HelloBiome

Noel Mueller

Noel Mueller

Associate Professor, University of Colorado Department of Pediatrics and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Ethan Thai

Ethan Thai

Microbiome Service Operation Manager, Zymo Research Corporation

Larry Weiss

Larry Weiss

Co-founder and CSO, Symbiome

Alex Martinez

Alex Martinez

CEO and Co-Founder, Intrinsic Medicine


Gut Health & Disease
Gut-Brain Axis
Infant Health, HMO & Nutrition
Skin Microbiome & cosmeceuticals
Investment, Regulation and Manufacture
Urology and Women’s Health
Probiotics, Personalised Nutrition, & Cardiometabolic Diseases
Skin Microbiome & Cosmeceuticals


Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze
Exhibitor & Content Sponsors


San Diego Marriott La Jolla
4240 La Jolla Village Dr, La Jolla, CA 92037

La Jolla hotel’s location is perfect, in San Diego’s Golden Triangle. The hotel offers convenient access to the University of California at San Diego, Scripps Research Institute and La Jolla Shores.



本会议积极鼓励海报展示。 只要来自学术界、工业界和初创公司的与会者,每位皆可免费展示一张海报。





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